Fontane, Theodor

Fontane, Theodor
   A German novelist and poet, Theodor Fontane is usually noted for his comparatively gentle criticisms of the Prussian class system, its social conventions, and of the spirit of German politics after the 1871 establishment of the Second Reich. Fontane worked for the conservative Kreuzzeitung, but in 1870, he became the drama critic of the comparatively liberal Vossische Zeitung. He wrote about Prussia’s War with Denmark in 1864 and with Austria in 1866, before tackling the Franco-Prussian War and being held in French captivity for three months. For all three wars he published his personal observations. Not until the age of 57 did Fontane begin to work on the novels for which he is best remembered. The most noteworthy are Vor dem Sturm (1878), Irrungen, Wirrungen (1888), Frau Jenny Treibel (1892), EffiBriest (1896), and Der Stechlin (1899).
    Craig, Gordon A. Theodore Fontane: Literature and History in the Bismarck Reich. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.

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  • Fontane, Theodor — born Dec. 30, 1819, Neuruppin, Brandenburg died Sept. 20, 1898, Berlin German writer. He began his career as a journalist and wrote books based on his travels before turning to the novel late in life. Before the Storm (1878) is considered a… …   Universalium

  • Fontane, Theodor — (30 dic. 1819, Neuruppin, Brandeburgo–20 sep. 1898, Berlín). Escritor alemán. Comenzó su carrera como periodista, y escribió libros basados en sus viajes antes de volcarse a la novela en las postrimerías de su existencia. Antes de la tormenta… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Theodor Fontane — Theodor Fontane, 1883 (Gemälde von Carl Breitbach) Heinrich Theodor Fontane (* 30. Dezember 1819 in Neuruppin; † 20. September 1898 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller und approbierter Apotheker. Er gilt als bedeutendster deutscher Vertr …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Theodor Fontane — Theodor Fontane. Theodor Fontane (* 30 de diciembre 1819 en Neuruppin † 20 de septiembre 1898 en Berlín) fue un novelista y poeta alemán, considerado el principal exponente del realismo literario en Alemania. Contenido …   Wikipedia Español

  • Theodor Fontane — (30 décembre 1819 à Neuruppin 20 septembre 1898 à Berlin) est un écrivain allemand qui a célébré dans ses écrits le charme du Brandebourg provincial. C est l un des principaux représentants allemands du …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Fontane — Fontane, Theodor, geb. 1819 in Neu Ruppin, lebt in literärischer Thätikeit in Berlin; er schr.: Männer u. Helden (Preußenlieder), Berl. 1850: Von der schönen Rosamunde, Dessau 1850, 2. Aufl, 1853; Gedichte, Berl. 1851; Ein Sommer in London,… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Fontane — (Theodor) (1819 1898) auteur allemand de romans réalistes: Dédales (1887), Effi Briest (1895) …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Theodor Fontane — Infobox Person name = Theodor Fontane caption = | birth date = birth date|1819|12|30|df=y birth place = Neuruppin death date = death date and age|1898|9|20|1819|12|30|df=y death place = Berlin Theodor Fontane (IPA2|ˈtʰeodoɐ̯ fɔnˈtaːnə; December… …   Wikipedia

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