- Ulster
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Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.
Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.
ulster — région du N. de l Irlande. Elle comprend: l Irlande du Nord, unie à la G. B. (13 482 km²; 1 573 000 hab.; cap. Belfast) et une prov. de l Eire, l Ulster (8 011 km²; 236 000 hab.). Irlande du Nord ou Ulster partie du Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ulster — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cúige Uladh Provincia histórica … Wikipedia Español
ulster — ÚLSTER, ulstere, s.n. (Rar) Pardesiu bărbătesc de forma unui halat lung şi cu mâneci largi. – Din engl., fr. ulster. Trimis de ana zecheru, 12.06.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 úlster s. n., pl. úlstere Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar… … Dicționar Român
Ulster F.C. — Ulster was an Irish football club, based in Belfast, which was successful in the early years of Irish football. The club played at the Ulster Cricket Ground, Ballynafeigh, a ground which also hosted early Ireland football internationals and Irish … Wikipedia
Úlster — Nombre de una de las cuatro provincias históricas en que se dividía la isla de Irlanda. Aunque frecuente en el lenguaje periodístico, es impropio y desaconsejable usar esta denominación para referirse a Irlanda del Norte, parte integrante del… … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
Ulster — Ul ster, n. A long, loose overcoat, worn by men and women, originally made of frieze from Ulster, Ireland. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ulster — northernmost of the four provinces of Ireland, 14c., from Anglo Fr. Ulvestre (early 13c.), Anglo L. Ulvestera (c.1200), corresponding to O.N. Ulfastir, probably from Ir. Ulaidh men of Ulster + suffix also found in Leinster, Munster, and perhaps… … Etymology dictionary
ulster — (izg. àlster) m DEFINICIJA dio muške odjeće, jesenski ogrtač širokoga, posebnog kroja ETIMOLOGIJA vidi Ulster … Hrvatski jezični portal
Ulster — (izg. àlster) m DEFINICIJA geogr. pov. pokrajina u S dijelu Irske, obuhvaća sadašnju Sjevernu Irsku i Ulster u Republici Irskoj … Hrvatski jezični portal
ulster — [ul′stər] n. [after ULSTER, where fabric was orig. made] a long, loose, heavy overcoat, esp. one with a belt, originally made of Irish frieze … English World dictionary
Ulster — Ulster, 1) linker Nebenfluß der Werra, entspringt am Himmeldankberge auf dem Rhöngebirge, im baierischen Kreise Unterfranken, fließt durch das weimarische Herzogthum Eisenach u. mündet unterhalb Vacha; 2) (Ultonia), die nördlichste Provinz des… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon