
   The state of Austria-Hungary was the product of the 1867 Ausgleich between the Hungarian opposition and the Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph I. According to this agreement, which transformed the constitutional framework of the Habsburg monarchy, the kingdom of Hungary would have its own government and parliament in Budapest, and accepted Francis Joseph and his heirs as kings. The rest of the Habsburg monarchy, officially named the “kingdoms and lands represented in the Reichsrat,” the parliament in Vienna, was usually called Austria. The monarch as king of Hungary and emperor of Austria; the common ministries of foreign affairs, war, and finance; and the regular meetings of delegations from both parliaments formed institutional bonds between Austria and Hungary. There was also a common Austro-Hungarian army and a common Austro-Hungarian navy. From 1867 to 1918, “Austria-Hungary” was the official name of the Habsburg monarchy.
   Because of its status as a union of two states, Austria-Hungary was also called the “Dual Monarchy.”
   See also <>; <>.
    Good, David F. The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750-1914. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.

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