Suttee — Sut*tee , n. [Skr. sat[=i] a faithful wife, fem. of sant existing, real, true, good, p. pr. of as to be. Cf. {Sooth}.] 1. A Hindoo widow who immolates herself, or is immolated, on the funeral pile of her husband; so called because this act of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
suttee — ou suttie (su tie, pour les deux orthographes) s. f. Sacrifice volontaire des veuves indiennes sur le bûcher funéraire de leur mari. ÉTYMOLOGIE Sanscr. çuddhi, sacrifice volontaire … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
suttee — self cremation of a Hindu widow on her husband s funeral pyre, 1786, from Hindi, from Skt. sati virtuous woman, fem. of sat good, wise, lit. existing, prp. of asmi I am (cognate with L. esse; see ESSENCE (Cf. essence)). Properly, the word for the … Etymology dictionary
suttee — [sə tē′, sut′ē] n. [Hindi sattī < Sans satī, chaste and virtuous wife < sat, good, pure, prp. of as, to be: for IE base see IS1] 1. a Hindu widow who allowed herself to be cremated alive on the funeral pyre of her husband s body 2. the… … English World dictionary
suttee — sutteeism, n. /su tee , sut ee/, n. sati. * * * or sati Indian practice whereby a widow burns herself to death either on the funeral pyre of her husband or soon after his death. The custom may be rooted in ancient beliefs that a husband needed… … Universalium
suttee — also sati noun Etymology: Hindi satī wife who performs suttee, from Sanskrit, devoted woman, from feminine of sat true, good; akin to Old English sōth true more at sooth Date: 1786 the act or custom of a Hindu widow willingly being cremated on… … New Collegiate Dictionary
suttee — o sati Práctica india en la que una viuda se incinera, ya sea en la pira funeraria de su esposo o poco después de su muerte. Esta costumbre puede estar enraizada en la antigua creencia de que un esposo necesitaba su compañía en el más allá,… … Enciclopedia Universal
suttee — (suh TEE) [Hindi, from Sanskrit: virtuous woman] Formerly, the act of self sacrifice by a Hindu widow on the funeral pyre of her husband. When the king died, she did her wifely duty and threw herself on his funeral pyre according to the… … Dictionary of foreign words and phrases
suttee — noun The custom and/or act of a Hindu woman giving herself up to be cremated on her husband’s funeral pyre as a sign of her devotion to her late spouse … Wiktionary
suttee — самосожжение вдов … Термины гендерных исследований