Great Exhibition

Great Exhibition
   A celebration of British achievements in science and technology. Organized by the Society of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce under the chairmanship of Prince Albert, consort of Queen Victoria, it featured 14,000 exhibitors and attracted more than 6 million visitors. The Exhibition took place in Hyde Park in the so-called “Crystal Palace” - as it was dubbed by Punch magazine - a prefabricated building of iron and glass, later dismantled and moved to its permanent location at Sydenham, Kent. The Great Exhibition became the model for future world’s fairs and similar exhibitions. Although 1851 by no means marked the height of the territorial expansion of the British Empire, the Great Exhibition has been held to mark the height of Victorian power and self-confidence; it certainly marked one of the last decades in which England’s global technological and economic primacy was uncontested.
    Hobhouse, Hermione. The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition. New York: Athlone Press, 2001.

Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.

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