Fashoda Incident

Fashoda Incident
   An Anglo-French confrontation that determined the spheres of influence of the French and the British in sub-Saharan Africa and averted the French spread into Sudan and East Africa. Fashoda was a village in the southern Sudan on the White Nile. Its modern name is Kodok. In 1898, a French expedition led by Major Jean- Baptiste Marchand occupied Fashoda, laying claim to the upper Nile for France. An international crisis followed when Anglo-Egyptian forces under H. H . Kitchener reached Fashoda, where he met Marchand and had long discussions with him to settle the matter peacefully. The outcome of the discussions was that the French and Egyptian flags would be flown, and the decision over the Upper Nile would be settled in discussions conducted by the French and British governments. Ultimately, French claims were withdrawn and the area became part of the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. The incident left a legacy of anti-British bitterness in France that was not overcome until the Entente Cordiale of 1904.
   See also <>.
    Lewis, David Levering. The Race to Fashoda: European Colonialism and African Resistance in The Scramble for Africa . New York: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1987;
    Neillands, Robin. The Dervish Wars: Gordon and Kitchener in the Sudan 1880-1898 . London: John Murray Ltd., 1996.

Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.

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  • Fashoda Incident — The Fashoda Incident (1898) was the climax of imperial territorial disputes between the United Kingdom and France in Eastern Africa. It brought the United Kingdom and France to the verge of war but ended in a diplomatic victory for the UK. It is… …   Wikipedia

  • Fashoda Incident — (Sept. 18, 1898) Climax, at Fashoda, Egyptian Sudan, of a series of territorial disputes between Britain and France. Britain had sought to extend its empire from Cairo to the Cape of Good Hope, while France had sought to extend its own from Dakar …   Universalium

  • Fashoda syndrome — is the name given to a tendency within French foreign policy in Africa, giving importance to asserting French influence in areas which may be becoming susceptible to British influence. It is named for the Fashoda incident (1898) which is judged… …   Wikipedia

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  • Fashoda — /feuh shoh deuh/, n. a village in the SE Sudan, on the White Nile: conflict of British and French colonial interests 1898 (Fashoda Incident). Modern name, Kodok. * * * …   Universalium

  • Fashoda — /fəˈʃoʊdə/ (say fuh shohduh) noun a town in the north eastern South Sudan, on the White Nile; British and French colonial interests came into conflict here in the Fashoda incident , 1898. Current name, Kodok …  

  • Fashoda — /feuh shoh deuh/, n. a village in the SE Sudan, on the White Nile: conflict of British and French colonial interests 1898 (Fashoda Incident). Modern name, Kodok …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fashoda —    Fashoda, today Kodok, is a town in the Sudan. It was the site of an incident in 1898 in which France, having tried to compete with British influence in upper Egypt, sent there a military mission under General jean baptiste marchand, who… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

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  • Incident franco-britannique de Fachoda — Crise de Fachoda La crise de Fachoda est un incident diplomatique sérieux qui opposa la France au Royaume Uni en 1898. Son retentissement a été d autant plus important que ces pays étaient alors traversés par de forts courants nationalistes. Elle …   Wikipédia en Français

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