Canning, George

Canning, George
   One of the leading British statesmen of the early nineteenth century. Canning forsook his Whig tendencies for more Tory sympathies when he supported William Pitt from 1794. Although a distinguished speaker in Parliament, Canning did not hold a prominent position in government until 1807, when he was appointed Foreign Secretary under the Duke of Portland in which office he served until 1809. In this capacity he sent a punitive expedition against Copenhagen and played a prominent part in Britain’s involvement in the Peninsular War against Napoleon in Spain and Portugal. He strongly opposed his country’s expedition against Walcheren in 1809, and his disagreements with Castlereagh, the Secretary of State for War, led to an inconclusive duel between them. He served again as Foreign Secretary in 1822–1827 during which time he recognized the newly independent Latin American states, thus securing substantial economic benefits for his country. He served briefly as prime minister in 1827.
    Dixon, Peter. Canning: Politician and Statesman. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1976;
    Hinde, Wendy. George Canning. London: Collins, 1973;
    Temperley, Harold. The Foreign Policy of Canning, 1822-1827. Hamden, CT: Archon Books, 1966.

Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914. 2014.

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  • Canning,George — Canning, George. 1770 1827. British politician who served as foreign secretary (1807 1809 and 1822 1827) and prime minister (1827). * * * …   Universalium

  • Canning, George — born April 11, 1770, London, Eng. died Aug. 8, 1827, Chiswick, near London British politician. As a young man, he came under the influence of William Pitt, who helped him win a seat in Parliament (1793) and a post as undersecretary for foreign… …   Universalium

  • Canning, George — (1770 1827)    Entered British Parliament, 1793; foreign secretary, 1807; ambassador to Portugal, 1814; president of Board of Control, 1816; succeeded Londonderry as foreign secretary, 1822; prime minister, 1827. A consistent advocate of… …   The makers of Canada

  • Canning, George — (1770 1827)    British statesman born into an Anglo Irish family, he is known for his liberal policies as foreign secretary (1807 1809, 1822 1827) and as prime minister for a short period during 1827. In order to support the family after her… …   British and Irish poets

  • Canning, George — ► (1770 1827) Político británico. Adversario de Metternich y de la Santa Alianza, se opuso a la intervención de esta en España. * * * (11 abr. 1770, Londres, Inglaterra–8 ago. 1827, Chiswick, cerca de Londres). Político británico. En su juventud… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • CANNING, GEORGE —    a distinguished British statesman and orator, born in London; studied for the bar; entered Parliament as a protégé of Pitt, whom he strenuously supported; was rewarded by an under secretaryship; married a lady of high rank, with a fortune;… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Canning, George — (1770 1827)    Statesman, was b. in London, the s. of a lawyer. He lost his f. while still an infant, and was brought up by an uncle, who sent him to Eton and Oxf. In 1793 he entered Parliament as a supporter of Pitt, and soon became one of the… …   Short biographical dictionary of English literature

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